a Be empathetic
and patient with kids
a programme Psychology school a Teenager needs girls & boys
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9:00 - 20:00


10:00 - 18:00



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Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip commodo ex ea consequat.

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They said

Dancing Essence Meditation was a magical experience for me. All the ingredients of a special meditation were present: sage smell, special music, a space that made me feel safe and helped me open up towards all the emotions and feelings that followed: from joy, anger, aliveness, sadness, peace, flow, love. I went home singing and bursting into laughter. Thank you, Anda, for all your care and love you put into creating such a space.

“Dancing Essence Meditation a fost o experienta magica pentru mine. Toate ingredientele unei meditatii speciale au fost prezente: miros de salvie, muzica deosebita, un spatiu in care m-am simtit in siguranta si m-am deschis pentru toate emotiile si trairile ce au urmat: de la bucurie, furie, pofta de viata, tristete, pace, plutire, iubire. Am plecat acasa cantand si razand in hohote. Multumesc pentru toata grija si iubirea cu care ai creat un astfel de spatiu, Anda!”

Olivia Ciobotaru

The meditation proved to be a perfect solution for me, and the outcome was amazing and revealing. Usually I do not manage to meditate for too much time but through dance was like time vanished suddenly and I was in the center of Timeless Love. My body also felt free to move, to express without rules or shame in a safe space. Thank you, Anda! For your gentleness, warm, kindness, and endless love for the others. Your magical meditations sustain all of us on our way! Keep doing them!


Anda, she’s all heart. A beautiful heart, strong and wise. From her I’ve learned to cherish every moment of life, because she didn’t allow me to waste a moment of her time. From her I’ve learned that nothing was missing in my life. I’ve found out that it is true that I am crazy, weird, out of any pattern. And this isn’t something to be fixed, because it is absolutely fantastic. With Anda I started to dream like a child again, fearless, irrational, with all my heart. She reminded me that life is wonderful and that absolutely nothing is impossible. We always need help. We just have to ask for it, and to receive it with our heart open. The doors open in front of us, we just have to knock with trust and courage. Anda was the clear mirror where I could see the reflection of the best version of myself. It was exactly what I needed for a new start on the path of my life, this time without hesitation. Because now I know exactly where I’m going.”

Violeta Dinca
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Areas that everybody needs help in

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Family psychology

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